Young, beautiful girl wakes up in one hotel room, in some exotic corner of our planet. After she gets up, dresses herself, washes her teeth, as any other twenty-two-year-old- girl would do, any similarity between this girl and regular twenty-two-year-old- girl disappears.
This girl is the third best world tennis player and today starts the new tennis-tournament.
She has very strict schedule to follow: breakfast, training, signing autographs, massage, consultations , relaxing and the first match. Always on her side she has her mother (family) and couple important associates. Sponsors, tournament organizations’, fans, they all want something from her. Even this film-crew that fallows her all around.
What Jelena wants is to become the number 1. This dream she shares with a whole bunch of other girls, but she is the one of the couple chosen ones that could see it come true. Fighting her way to that goal, she is not alone. Behind her is an army of fans from Serbia and all over the world, young ones and old ones, that need and believe in Jelena’s success. They identify themselves with this always smiling, eccentric, fighter- girl and experience every her success as their own.
But Jelena is not a super- hero. She has ups and downs, knows success, but also defeats, she cries when she is sad and smiles when she is happy; she doesn’t fear showing herself and her feelings as they really are. And that makes her super- idol.
Whit this movie all sport, tennis and Jelena fans will have a chance to dive deep into the world of professional tennis and he is never gone be same for them again, because they will be led through it by Jelena Jankovic herself.
Director: Tanja Brzaković
Camera: Kathleen Herbst; Miona Bogović, Nebojša Miljković, Tanja Brzaković
Music: Janja Lončar
Editing: Branka Pavlović, Tanja Brzakovic
Sound design: Janja Lončar, Vladimir Uspenski, Vladimir Živković
Picture design: Obrad Kokotović
Credits design: Marko Nikolić
Poster design: Nevena Nikolić
Teaser: Marija Jaćimović
Production: Nebojša Miljković, Tanja Brzaković